who is curious about the outside world?
Tenho andado a ler estes livros:
I have been reading these books:
I have been reading these books:
Se por acaso és um apaixonado pela animação e gostava de te lançar na criação de algo só teu, penso que este livros são os mais indicados para te abrirem os horizontes.
Pessoalmente gostei mais do 1º, o 2º é um pouco mais técnico, mais burocrático, mas igualmente interessante!
Fica aqui a dica pessoal!
If by chance you are passionate about animation and liked to throw you in creating something only yours, I think these books are the best suited for you, because they'll open your horizons.
Personally I liked better the 1st than the 2nd, this is a bit more technical, more bureaucratic, but alsointeresting!
If by chance you are passionate about animation and liked to throw you in creating something only yours, I think these books are the best suited for you, because they'll open your horizons.
Personally I liked better the 1st than the 2nd, this is a bit more technical, more bureaucratic, but alsointeresting!
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